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Selling your business is typically a one-time opportunity. Get it right and you’re set for life. Get it wrong and it can cost you the retirement lifestyle you deserve. Here’s three tips to make sure you can retire happy!
In my small business coaching practice, I typically help established business owners up-level their existing business by working through my systematic Chain Reactions Marketing™ process of developing and implementing optimized sales and marketing strategies tailored to their specific industry and markets.
Working with these established business owners, who are often in their mid-fifties to early-sixties, I’ve discovered virtually none of them have given any real thought to how they'll exit their business when it comes time for them to sell it and retire - which for some owners is often just around the corner.
In fact, according to a recent survey of small business owners aged 60 and over, done by the Economist Intelligence Unit, just four out of ten (40%) said they have a clear succession plan for transferring ownership and control of their business - or said that they are currently dealing with their retirement or expect to have to do so in the within the next five years!
So as a result of hearing this story so many times, I’m now including Executive Retirement Planning (ERP) as part of my overall business coaching process and the outcomes have been quite rewarding for both myself and the clients I've served.
So with that as background, the following are the Top Three Tips I highly recommend every Generation X and Baby Boomer business owner follow when developing their next five-year Strategic Operating Plan.
TIP #1: Begin with the End in Mind.
As Stephen Covey taught us in “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” you need to “begin with the end in mind” so you know where you’re going and can plan a course to get there. You need to plan for your exit and the eventual sale of your business just as you’d plan for a new product introduction or an entry into a new geographic territory.
So the question becomes... what are your goals and objectives for selling your business and what are your dreams for life in retirement?
Is your reason for selling your business to pass it on to your heirs? And if so, will you have enough assets accumulated to live the retirement lifestyle you want?
Have you calculated the retirement cash flow you’ll need and worked backwards to establish the minimum sell price you’d have to receive in order to be able to live the retirement lifestyle you want?
The good news is, preparing to sell a seven or eight-figure business typically takes two years… so there is time for you to begin to answer these questions (and others) as you build out your Executive Retirement Plan.
And any good Executive Business Coach will be glad to help you answer these questions as part of an initial discovery meeting and goals assessment process that establishes exactly what type of exit and retirement dreams you have in mind.
With today’s online communications and collaboration technology you have easy access to some of the world’s best business and life coaches. So take advantage of this easy access and find yourself a local coach, or even someone across country, to help you begin with the end in mind.
TIP #2: Build “Curb Appeal”
Just like selling a house, up-leveling your business so it’s more attractive to prospective buyers will significantly improve the sale price and also the likelihood of actually achieving a sale.
When I say up-leveling your business, I mean making long-term business improvements that maximize profitability and deliver steady and sustainable year-over-year operating income increases showing that good growth strategies and practices are being implemented.
I’m not talking about making short-term fixes and cost reductions that are not sustainable and could actually hurt the future health of your business.
I’m talking about up-leveling your business using proven and effective sales and marketing strategies that can deliver sustainable Customer Experience Chain Reactions generating more qualified leads resulting in more loyal and profitable customers and clients.
Working with your Executive Business Coach you can up-level your business so when you’re ready to sell in three-to-five years it will have maximum Curb Appeal.
And the best part is, just like preparing a house for sale, you get to live with your improved business results during those years prior to the sale taking full advantage of the improvements to better financially prepare for your eventual retirement!
TIP #3: Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty
My third and final tip is advice I learned from business networking master Harvey Mackay who’s “dig your well before you’re thirsty” philosophy is all about building relationships and a team of business professionals you can count on before you actually need them.
When it comes to preparing for the sale of your business you need to build a team of trusted specialists who can guide you through the marketing, financial and legal aspects of making the sale.
For example, you may have a great CPA for doing your annual taxes but does your current CPA have any experience preparing a business valuation? And do you have a trusted personal Financial Planner and Estate Planning Attorney who can help you plan for taking care of your family and your money during retirement?
In my experience most business owners don’t have the time or inclination to work out a retirement plan or build a network of these trusted advisors all by themselves. And this leaves you exposed and unprepared for when the day comes to finally sell your business and move on.
So my final tip is… start digging your well today and think of using your Executive Business Coach as a “general contractor” of sorts who can help you build your team of “sub-contractors” to up-level your business’ Curb Appeal as well as putting an Executive Retirement Plan into place that will be ready when you are.
And remember, a good coach can help guide you through the technical and very emotional process of selling your business and moving on to bigger (or smaller) but always better things in retirement. And isn’t that what a living a satisfying and happy retirement life all about?
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